Monday, February 27, 2012


      February 23, 2012, was the youth jobs rally. Teens from Youth Force met at Fidelity, for their creative action. There was around 30 teens that was ready to get their voices heard by getting the public's attention, and let people know that Fidelity doesn't hire teens. When teens began to approach the entrance, teens were quickly turned down, and they could not even enter the building. Workers at Fidelity became quickly aggravated, and decided that they would shut the door in our faces. WE have reached our goal, with letting Fidelity be aware that they don't hire teens. Justice has been served.
       Other organizations were in the Tremont Temple church  and people that came in support of youth jobs, whether it be senators, parents, teens, or everyone, people were being entertained. There was Music, speeches, dances, also rapping by a young and talented men.
       After the entertainment, people were heading outside of the church to start rallying. There were chanters that got everyone that came to support rallied up and also people that were on the streets walking by in the financial district and also in Downtown. People were looking from all directions and wondering what was going on. The rally was loud and we really had the crowd going. People all over, and even though they were not in the area they were informed by channel 25. The rally was even mentioned in the Boston Globe paper. Teens showed their power by the chants that we marched around protesting, such as "Youth United will never be defeated". At many points, youth would put up their fist and every person had a green ribbon around their fist, which showed that youth were united and that we wanted to fight against the issue of jobs.
       The rally turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened to youth in the community. GO YOUTH JOBS!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rally Prep Meeting

Yesterday on February 15th around 4:30 pm, Youth Force facilitated a training that taught the teens about rallies and what they should look like. Since we will be meeting with our State Representatives and Senators, we also taught and prepared the teens on how to meet with a legislative figure. I feel as though the teens were very engaging and willing to learn more about the issue of youth jobs. We told them that this would be a great way or start to get more involved with the campaign. Even if they were just learning about this, attending the rally would be a great learning experience. I also feel like they took a lot in from this and can relay this information to their friends to spread the power. This was a great training and I hope we can continue to build our base in power in numbers and continue to conduct a successful campaign for more youth opportunities.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Youth Jobs Coalition

 This blog will showcase the actions of the Youth Jobs Coalition. Youth jobs enable youth to get skills needed to get and succeed at their next job, help them earn money to support their families, take youth out of situations where violence could happen, and enable youth programs to serve more children when they have teens working on their staffs. SUPPORT YOUTH JOBS !