Monday, March 5, 2012


What comes to mind when i think about a quality job, i look back at personal experiences such as my summer internship at Eaton Vance, which is an investment management company. I learned so much while working with this big company. Getting up early at nine in the morning can really take one a long way. I had to get up in the summer time, just to get to work on time. I learned that it can take me a long way for the fact that i have to get up for school in the morning and so it helps because i already processed what it feels like to get up early in the morning. I also learned how to take responsibility into consideration. I had a passion for what i was doing on a day to day basis. Anyone who has a passion for their job that they attend each day is a quality job. In terms of youth i feel that anyone who goes to a job and learns a lot and gives them the skills that they need to grow and develop in school and in their daily lives is a quality job.

          WHAT DO FEEL IS A GOOD QUALITY JOB???????????

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